Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week 5/16

Week 5/16:

Lighter running this week.  Interval one will be a bit harder with less rest, but overall volume will be lower.  Interval two only totals 1.5 miles, so very low volume but very high intensity.  Stamina run this week will be another long one.  I suggest finding a 6.2 mile course that you like this week and jog it at the slow, conversational pace.  Next week we will be doing a 10k (6.2mi) time trial (TT).  That means we are going to smoke the 10 kilometers like cheap crack!

CF 3x this week

Interval 1:6x400m with 2 min rest - should be thoroughly warmed up before beginning, each run should be @ 90%, pace might drop off some

Interval 2: 3x800m TT with 5 min rest in between – should be thoroughly warmed up before beginning, each 800m should be all out, that is what the time trial (TT) should always be.

Stamina: 6 miles at conversational pace - quite, quick feet with no heel striking

Skill work:

Core work: accumulate 4 minutes in a plank on each run day.


  1. Good stuff Grant, I'm really enjoying this program so far. I got my six miler in on Saturday morning, I'll post my garmin data when I get home. At some point I'd like to hear your recomendations on traning/race nutrition. I'd like to start thinking about that during the longer runs so I can get get my body used to the calorie intake.

  2. Grant - my "quiet, quick feet" are neither quiet or quick. It looks awful (and I think is impossible when running with a dachshund and lab). Any website recommendations for proper form?

  3. May have to go with 6x400m row if the weather continues.

    I am planning to run tonight on the treadmill.

    1. 6x400m (treadmill)

      1) 1:40
      2) 1:40.6
      3) 1:45.2
      4) 1:45.9
      5) 1:46.3
      6) 1:47

      3 mile total run

      I need to get on some mobility and stretching. My hamstrings are killing me.

  4. 6 X 400 along Daytona Beach (work trip)....Rocky 3 style...haha

    1) 1:35
    2) 1:29
    3) 1:20
    4) 1:29
    5) 1:29
    6) 1:34

  5. 6.5 mi back in good'ole Fountain City....58:52
