Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Week 1/16


So you have decided to run the Knoxville half or full marathon.  Congratulations!  Let’s get you all started on your endurance program…

This will be a 16 week program culminating with the race on Sunday the 7th of April.  In the beginning you will be asked to CF 3x/week and run 3x/week.  I would suggest a schedule looking like this: Monday – CF, Tuesday – Run, Wednesday – CF, Thursday – Run, Friday – CF, Saturday – Run.  However, the good news is you can set it up however you would like.  I would just prefer you to CF on nonconsecutive days as well as run on nonconsecutive days.  So you could theoretically do your CF Monday AM and then do your running Monday PM.  There are a couple of ways you can skin it.

I would suggest you figure out a race pace for whatever distance you are running.  If you have no race history, we can talk and try to figure out a good target pace for you.  This pace will be handy later in this cycle when we are running certain repeats and distances for certain times.  Also, halfers can cut in half the stamina piece.  Do the intervals as is for the time being.

As we continue in to this cycle I will present run technique work, discuss fueling strategies, and answer any questions you may have.  This will be our medium for the time being.  I am working on getting a subdomain set up on the Ktown page.  Here we go!

Week 1:

CrossFit 3x this week.

Interval 1: 10x200m with 2 min walking rest – should be thoroughly warmed up before beginning, each run should be max effort

Interval 2: 4x800m with 3 min rest – should be thoroughly warmed up before beginning, each run should be done at a pace that can be held for all four intervals

Stamina: 5k at conversational pace – quiet feet, no heel striking

Post any questions to the comments.


  1. Andy and I just knocked out our first interval workout. 10x200m at approximatly 35-38 seconds per. those things are no joke.

    Excited about the program. Thanks Grant!

  2. He ain't bluffin'. I feel sore already. Got a date with a foam roller tonight.

    I boogered up my GPS data, should show better results next time. (Forgot to hit Lap each time.)


    Excited about the programming and excited to have friendly competition alongside. Solo training is a bore.

    Thanks Grant!


  3. Done. Cold. Sore. That's all I have to say.


    Looking forward to the program. Thanks for doing this Grant.

  4. Dawson and I fired it back up today. Training for the 2014 Half.

    My 10x200M....


    4.77 miles totaled.

  5. so we were 35-38 seconds per last year, and 45-48 seconds this year. Oh man
