Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 10/16

Week 10/16:

CF at least 2x this week - you may begin to drop your CF volume by one session (from three) if recovery isn't there

Interval 1:10x200m with walk rest back to start - should be thoroughly warmed up before beginning, each run should be at max effort -5%

Interval 2: 6x800m with 1:1 rest – should be thoroughly warmed up before beginning, each interval should be at a fast pace you can hold for all six runs

Half Stamina: 8 miles at a conversational pace - quiet, quick feet

Full Stamina: 12 miles in a carb fasted state - try to ingest less than 40g of carbohydrates in the 24 hours leading up to this run - it is especially effective to run your 2nd interval run within 48 hours before of this stamina run


  1. Grant, what should we expect during the 12 miler being carb depleted? Will we run out of gas early? Set a new PR?

  2. Most likely you will feel sluggish. Doubtful you will totally bonk, but it should somewhat mimic the feeling you get in the last 4-6 miles of a marathon.

  3. 10x200m

    1) 49.4
    2) 46.5
    3) 47.4
    4) 49.0
    5) 48.5
    6) 46.6
    7) 48.5
    8) 46.0
    9) 45.7
    10) 47.6

    Totalled 4.83 miles

  4. my 10x200m

    1) 44.5
    2) 39.9
    3) 40.3
    4) 41.6
    5) 41.7
    6) 42.4
    7) 39.6
    8) 41.1
    9) 40.7
    10) 45.2

  5. 6x800m

    1) 4:05
    2) 4:18
    3) 4:28
    4) 4:26
    5) 4:37
    6) 4:25

  6. 6x800m
    1) 3:48
    2) 3:38
    3) 3.40
    4) 3:44
    5) 3:30
    6) 3:28
    Came to the realization that if I extrapolated these times out, I would have totally made my high school and college soccer teams (again) as a field player.....

    1. That's huge. Maybe we can find some eligibility left...

  7. Tough one today. Legs felt heavy, hamstrings felt sore.

    8 mi - 1:12

  8. Question for those that have been through this before (this is my first attempt at a half)...

    When I've been doing my long runs, I'm running nearly the exact same route in my neighborhood and adding distance each time. As a result, I have landmarks throughout the loop that I can equate with mileage. I know the 3 mile mark, 6 mile mark, etc. I'm concerned that I could be using these landmarks as mental crutches to get through long runs and then be lost on race day without them.

    That being said, is this a legitimate concern? Should I vary my long run routes each time? Should I not worry about it and get out of my own head..haha

    Any thoughts would be much appreciated
