Sunday, March 17, 2013

Week 14/16

Week 14/16:

CF at least 1-3x this week - you may begin to drop your CF volume by one or two sessions (from three) if recovery isn't there

Interval 1: 8x400m with 1:1 work to rest ratio, should be thoroughly warmed up before beginning

Half stamina 1: 5 miles at conversational pace - quiet, quick feet

Full Stamina 1: 8 miles at a conversational pace - quiet, quick feet

Half Stamina 2: 9 miles at a conversational pace - quiet, quick feet

Full Stamina 2: 12 miles at a conversational pace - quiet, quick feet

And so begins your taper.  You won't feel it this week, but next week you will be itching to run 13.1/26 miles!  :D


  1. As I'm sure was the case with everyone else who did 13.3 on Friday, the first two miles today were terrible! After that I was able to settle in though...

    10 miles- 1:33.10

    Thinking day of recovery after 13.5 and the race is probably not a good idea. Grant, what are your thoughts on us doing the last Open WOD before the race? Any option for a Saturday morning make-up the week after the race? I know the score won't officially count but it would for the small group competitions going on within the gym...thoughts??

  2. Fine with me. You could also do it Wednesday night of Thursday morning week of even though that isn't ideal. Whatever you all want!

  3. I did 13.3 at 6 AM Thursday morning and my quads were still sore when I ran 10 miles (at a horribly slow pace) on Saturday. From what CBo said Thursday morning, it sounds like there were a few people at the gym this past Wednesday night to do the open WOD when it first came out. Does this happen every week? If so, I will most likely do the open WODs on Wednesday nights for the next two weeks.
